With graduation season now upon us, new data allows us to look back at statistics for last May’s public high Read the full release.
Graduation and College and Career Readiness Rates Steady, Gap Persists
PARCA Report Highlights Challenges of Municipal Financial Comparison, Examines City Tax Collections
Our 2022 edition of How Alabama Cities Compare (the tenth edition of PARCA’s study of Alabama city finances) introduces a Read the full release.
2021 Kids Count Data Book provides roadmap for helping Alabama children
VOICES for Alabama’s Children published the 2021 Alabama Kids Count Data Book this month. For the 6th year in a Read the full release.
ACT Scores Down Only a Fraction For the Class of 2021, Despite Pandemic
The average ACT score for students graduating from Alabama’s public high schools in 2021 was down only slightly, while the Read the full release.
Deaths outnumber births, but population grows through domestic migration
New estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau show that more than half of Alabama counties lost population between July Read the full release.
PARCA Annual Forum Resources
PARCA’s Annual Forum on March 11, 2022, focused on efforts to improve math and reading education instruction for students in Read the full release.
New Business Education Alliance Report Calls for Historic Investments in Education and Workforce
The recovery from the pandemic presents an opportunity for Alabama to regain momentum by investing in proven strategies for improving Read the full release.
The Economic Impact of Expanding Medicaid in Alabama
Expanding Medicaid coverage in Alabama could save the state almost $400 million per year over the next six years – Read the full release.
How Alabama Taxes Compare, 2021 Edition
Alabama had the nation’s second-lowest tax collections per capita in 2019. Only Tennessee had lower state and local tax revenue Read the full release.
Fewer Freshmen Assigned to Remedial Education
Despite the disruptions of the pandemic, Alabama high school graduates who entered college in 2020 were less likely to be Read the full release.