Despite the disruptions of the pandemic, Alabama high school graduates who entered college in 2020 were less likely to be Read the full release.
Fewer Freshmen Assigned to Remedial Education
Fewer Alabama Students Assigned to Remedial Education
The number and percentage of Alabama public high school graduates assigned to remedial courses upon entering college continued to decline Read the full release.
College Freshmen in Need of Remedial Education
The percentage of first-time college students from Alabama public high schools assigned to remedial courses in math and English has Read the full release.
Lower Percentage of College Freshmen in Need of Remedial Education
The percentage of first-time college students assigned to remedial education before embarking on college courses continues to drop, according to Read the full release.
Progress Made on Remedial Education
The latest statistics from the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) show that Alabama high schools are making progress in Read the full release.
2014 Remedial Education Rates by High School
Alabama public high schools produced more graduates in 2014 than they produced the previous year, and more of them enrolled Read the full release.
Remediation: The High School to College Handoff
A smaller percentage of students graduating from Alabama high schools went to Alabama’s public colleges immediately after high school in Read the full release.