The National Institute of Early Education Research (NIEER) at Rutgers University has recognized research on the persistence of the impact Read the full release.
Alabama’s future depends on a vibrant and growing workforce. The ability to grow and retain talent will determine the long-term career prospects for our state and its people. PARCA studies school performance and the process of aligning training programs to industry needs, which develops a cradle to career talent pipeline.
PARCA provides:
Analysis of statewide school performance.
Deep dives into school systems’ performance, including by student sub-groups.
Comparisons of school system expenditures to recognized best practices.
Implement technologies to simplify schools’ budgeting and reporting.
The National Institute of Early Education Research (NIEER) at Rutgers University has recognized research on the persistence of the impact Read the full release.
Children who have participated in Alabama’s First Class Pre-K program, a voluntary, public early education program are about half as Read the full release.
Students who attended the First Class Pre-K program in Alabama are more likely to be proficient in reading and math Read the full release.
Alabama public school students who participated in the state’s publicly funded First Class Pre-K program performed better on academic assessments Read the full release.